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we focus on mobile application/game dev. if you have interesting on this,please contact us. 大學教授投資之創新公司 公司地點將遷民生東路~資策會大樓
大瑞科技秉持技術創新精神,提供半導體、LED及太陽能產業高品質低成本之產品及服務。走過蓽路藍縷的草創階段,大瑞科技已經是全球BGA、CSP等高端IC封裝用錫球之領導廠商,終端應用產品包括CPU、繪圖晶片、DDR甚至手持行動裝置所需晶片。 2010年大瑞科技透過購併、組織擴編成立IC、LED及太陽能晶片封裝用之銲線材料事業部,不僅在高單價位金線外提供客戶低成本之替代性材料-銀線及銅線,也讓大瑞科技在原有高階IC封裝材料領域外跨入LED及太陽能等深具未來成長潛力的產業。 大瑞科技以一貫誠正信實之理念,提供全方位解決方案之服務精神,正逐步擴大封裝材料之市場版圖。 Profound Material Technology Co., Ltd. (PMTC) upholds the spirit of technological innovation and offers its services to Semiconductor, LED and Solar Energy Industry with high quality and low cost products. After go through the initial stage of production, PMTC has become one of the world’s largest solder balls supplier for BGA, CSP and other high-end IC packaging. Its application is the chips required in CPU, GPU, DDR and even hand-held mobile device. In Year 2010, through the acquisition, Profound Material Technology Co., Ltd. expands and organizes a new material division – alloy wire, which used in chip packaging of IC, LED and Solar Energy Industry. We provide an alternative low cost materials, silver wires and copper wires to replace the high cost material (gold wire). Thus, besides current high-end IC industry, Profound Material Technology Co. Ltd. has also get into the packaging materials territory in LED and Solar Energy, the future potential industry. With the philosophy of "honest is faithful"; and providing a comprehensive solutions service to customer, PMTC being gradually expanded its territory of packaging materials market.
睿盛科技(Rosonix Technology)成立於1997年,長期深耕在ZigBee無線通訊領域,提供可大規模穩定運作及簡易升級的ZigBee模組,滿足不同客戶產品的需求。 由於綠色能源(Renewable Energy)的新興及智慧型手機(Mobile device)的操控便捷性不斷開發,睿盛科技整合Wi-Fi與ZigBee的傳輸優勢開發智慧閘道器(Smart Gateway),提供業者以較低的研發成本達到資料上傳雲端(Internet Cloud)與遠端控制的功能。 近來隨著物聯網(Internet of Things)與智能住宅(Home Automation)的觀念受到重視,我們在ZigBee無線通訊的成熟技術,也逐漸在業界受到矚目。 與美國知名廠商Ember合作,讓客戶能以最短時間建構產品的應用, 更提供有競爭力的市場價格,協助您取得上市先機。
碩方科技股份有限公司自公元1999 年成立以來,一直致力於提供專業用數位媒體製播設備、研發廣播等級系統解決方 案和實施資訊系統整合建置服務。 碩方科技初期的產品以廣播電視節目製作(Production) 與播放設備為主要市場,產品涵蓋多種編輯(editing device) 製 作用設備、圖文字幕(Character Generator,C.G.) 用電腦工作站和數位影音資料擷取用與媒體儲存設備等領域。 自2004 年起更成功陸續開展了企業用資訊媒體網路製播系統( 專業電子看板,Professional Digital Signage) 、媒體資產 管理(Media Asset Management,M.A.M) 與新媒體應用(New Media Applications) 等眾多全新產品領域,碩方科技的主 要客戶群包括無線/ 有線/ 衛星電視台、大型企業、製作公司、大學院校與政府公家機關等。公司出品的即時非線性剪 輯系統 (Real-time Nonlinear Editing system) 、圖文字幕系統 (C.G. system) 與自動化播出系統 (Automation Playout system) 等產品早已在全國各電視臺和專業客戶單位獲得肯定與普遍採用,用戶數已超過1,500 家以上。 碩方科技堅定以專業技術與熱誠服務為公司經營之基礎和信念,以創新製作技術及提升廣播電視節目品質與效率為目標 ,目前已成為業界公認之最佳廣播級數位媒體製播技術諮詢顧問公司之一。 全世界的廣播電視媒體行業正處在數位化變遷與轉換時期,這些改變帶來了許多挑戰,也帶給碩方科技全新與重大的發 展契機。碩方科技除了擁有堅強的研發團隊與企劃團隊,更與超過十家全世界最知名的軟體與硬體廠商進行緊密的技術 合作與交流,以提供所有客戶最先進且最穩固的解決方案與即時服務。而隨著產品的落實與研發的紮根,碩方科技也已 從單純產品代理商( 或設備提供商) ,提升到也能夠提供整體解決方案(Total Solution) 的系統集成(System integration) 與專業研發服務(System Development) 。 自2005 年後由於VOXEL 經營集團資金的積極投入,碩方科技更在高畫質電視(High Definition , HDTV) 視訊圖文產品 開發、數位媒體資產管理(Digital M.A.M) 與多格式轉檔(Multi-format Transcoding) 技術創新、新媒體自動化服務系統 建置(New media application service) 、資訊網頁技術整合等方面領先同行。今後,碩方科技會將更多的媒體製作、資 訊與網路技術的開發成果應用於2D/3D 電視圖文製播、數位內容資產管理、行動媒體觀看(Mobile TV DVB-H) 、網 路媒體播出(IP-TV) 、數位電視(DVB-T) 與隨選視訊(V.O.D) 等應用系統的解決方案上,碩方科技全體同仁將更深入地 持續以專業電視媒體製播技術為核心,穩健地向各種領域的數位媒體應用積極拓展推廣 !
Spacewizard Computer (Brand Name – SWIZ) is a sophisticated designer and developer of All-In-One PC industry. SWIZ is always on the track of the latest PC technology and design to provide advanced, unique and cost effective business/consumer solutions. SWIZ manufactures high performance system for a wide range of applications, including health care, production control, Kiosk, portable mobile device, etc. Since 1998, SWIZ has dedicated its efforts to design and to develop space utilization computer products. With abundant experiences, the latest technologies, and advanced design methodologies, our R & D team is able to announce new products to fulfill the current markets and to maintain our leadership. The Company continues to make progress in its core technologies and to meet the next generation of business challenges and to help drive growth. Therefore we confidentially stand by the products we manufacture to the market.
Obigo is a leading service/product company in the mobile industry. Obigo has a product offering including wide range of mobile data applications including Browser, MMS, Email, SyncML, etc. Obigo has global top handset OEMs and ODMs as key product customers. Obigo’s mobile browser is the competitive product supporting wide range of device segments from WAP to Full HTML browser. Obigo’s new Q7 browser provides the best web experience on the mobile device and is one of the top players in the full browser market with key customers including Samsung, LGE and Motorola.
Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. We offer an extensive line of Internet, software, and print-based products and services for individuals, financial advisers, and institutions. Morningstar provides data on approximately 350,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 4 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. We have operations in 20 countries and minority ownership positions in companies based in two other countries. Morningstar Asia was established in Hong Kong in 2000 and launched its investing Web site in September of that year. Soon after, Morningstar Asia launched Web sites in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Web sites offer access to and objective information about investment funds available to individual investors. The sites also provide independent editorial content produced by Morningstar analysts and journalists based in Asia and around the world. In addition to the investing sites, Morningstar Asia offers a range of innovative products and services to advisers and institutions, including Morningstar® Adviser Workstation™, a comprehensive, Web-based investment planning system; Morningstar Direct™, a Web-based institutional platform providing access to Morningstar’s global databases and investment research; and Morningstar® Licensed Tools and Content, delivering online and dynamic tools and content for investment analysis and tracking.
ACS雅仕/亞瑟仕國際快遞物流集團主要服務專案 1.大中華地區(臺灣、大陸、香港、澳門) 國際 國內快遞 兩岸合法海運快遞 越南快遞 柬浦寨快遞 2.空、海、陸運、報關、物流、倉儲、電子商務B2C配送等業務 3.針對客戶需求提供客制化物流解決方案,制定預算,控制物流成本 4.以時間天數細分產品服務標準,提供1天/2天/3-4天/5-7天等不同送達時間之產品服務 5.配合客戶預算及需要提供代客驗收貨物、代客收取貨款、再包裝整理、再貼標籤等…加值物流服務 6.第四方物流服務提供者,輔導加盟商創業,支援銷售、營運及資訊化管理 ACS國際快遞物流集團,本著以客為尊、服務準時、到貨準確為依歸,為客戶在大中華地區運送檔貨物。公司分佈遍及臺灣10個地點,海外包括香港、澳門、中國大陸等 34個據點,以及加盟公司超過150家。大中華地區貨物、檔流通無阻,擁有業界稱大中華地區快遞的明日之星美譽。 ACS努力成為為大中華地區“第一大”兩岸快遞物流服務提供者,進口及出口貨量持續穩定成長,亦是“唯一”達到:從卡車取件->轉運->出口報關->航空航班安排->目的地進口報關->轉運->卡車派送…之全程“一條龍”自理,以全球配送即時監控系統(Real Time Global POD Tracking)之空海運快遞物流公司自期,實現資訊流與物流之同步作業無縫鏈結平臺。 ACS的服務以客戶第一,員工第一,科技第一為依,對於客戶的需求做到適時性的回復。貨物每天清關、清理,務求第一時間送達目的地。要做到服務第一,每名客戶都安排有專職的客戶主任根據客戶需求來提供產品,做到作合宜合理的價錢,提供第一流的服務。ACS的員工是ACS的資產,公司的命脈所在,因為員工是駕馭所有基本作業流程每一環扣之連接的橋樑,前線員工更是收/派貨件的主導人員,是與客戶溝通的傳遞員。 高瞻遠矚是一種動力,使我們超越極限,透過發展及推廣高質的產品服務,融匯成一不斷創造價值的事業體; ACS要不斷成長蛻變,ACS要成為巿場龍頭領導者,ACS要成為大中華地區第一領導品牌。
奇多比行動軟體股份有限公司為台灣頂尖的行動軟體 (mobile app) 平台及應用服務廠商, 主要針對 iOS (iPhone, iPad) 及Android上的應用, 提供國際級的解決方案及平台服務,在AppStore上已經發行超過200個熱門的app,其中40%的app都曾經入圍排行榜 Top 100以內。 主要技術包含擴增實境 (Augmented Reality)、LBS 社群服務(Social Community)、雲端技術、HTML5特效應用,公司目前握有行動應用、LBS廣告推播及平板電子書出版等5項關鍵的專利。 經營團隊來自IT、行動應用、出版、法律及財務背景,核心團隊成員具有mobile app程式開發、視覺設計、網路與實體行銷以及財務行政、法務等十年以上經驗,在電子書與mobile app策略與創新上提供完整的解決方案及服務。 以成為亞太區企業最佳合作的行動技術廠商為目標,我們自許為企業進入行動商務戰場的軍火商。以卓越創新發展新視野;以品質服務成為客戶最佳夥伴,追求不斷的進步提昇,並熱愛生活。歡迎各方好手加入我們,公司網址:www.chidopi.com
Acoustic Technologies creates high quality, hands-free, audio processing software, semiconductor, and system solutions for leading telecom manufacturers worldwide. The SoundClear brand of patented full-duplex communication, echo cancellation, and noise reduction solutions is enabling significant advancements in telecommunications voice quality and is proven in millions of products around the globe. SoundClear provides natural bi-directional communication in mobile phones, hands-free car kits, Bluetooth accessories, VoIP telephones, conference phones, and other speakerphone enabled products.
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